Lead, control and coordinate
The Supervisory Board at GK Software SE has the task of supporting the Management Board in its leadership, management and coordination work on behalf of the company and providing advice. It also controls and checks that the company managers are acting in line with the current laws as well as the company’s articles of association and in line with the valid rules of procedure.
The Supervisory Board is therefore involved in all the decisions that are of fundamental importance for GK Software SE. This is guaranteed through a constant and intense exchange of information between the bodies. The company’s Management Board and Supervisory Board work closely together for the benefit of the company.
The Supervisory Board at GK Software SE is comprised of three members in line with the articles of association. Provided that the annual shareholders’ meeting does not decide anything different, the members of the Supervisory Board are elected for a period until the end of the annual shareholders’ meeting, which decides to approve their actions for the fourth business year after the start of their time in office.

Nicholas Fraser
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
- Corporate Executive Officer, Fujitsu Limited, Tokyo, Japan
- Member since May 19, 2023
- Elected until: the Annual General Meeting in 2027
- Year of birth: 1964
- Memberships of other supervisory boards or comparable bodies: Nonen
Bachelor's degree in Business, Banking & Finance, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Professional background:
1986 McIntosh Securities Ltd, Australia
1998 - 2000 National Australia Bank, Australia - Director
2000 - 2004 Accenture Australia, Australia - Corporate Development and Transaction Services
2004 - 2008 Media Puzzle Pty Ltd, Australia - Country Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer
2008 - 2011 Accenture Vietnam, Vietnam - Country Managing Director
2011 - 2017 Accenture, Australia - Managing Director M&A - Asia Pacific and Middle East
2017 - 2020 McKinsey & Company, Australia - Global Director, Alliances & Acquisitions
Since 2020 Fujitsu Limited, Japan - Managing Director

John Pink
Member of the board
- Vice President and Global Head of Consumer Experience, Fujitsu Uvance, Tokyo, Japan
- Member since May 19, 2023
- Elected until: the Annual General Meeting in 2027
- Year of birth: 1969
- Memberships of other supervisory boards or comparable bodies: none
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy and Sociology, University of Hull, Hull, England
Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing, The Chartered Institute of Marketing, Berkshire, England
Accelerated development program, London Business School, London, England
Professional background:
1992 - 1994 Lloyds TSB Group plc, London, England - Personal Assistant to the Group Chief Executive Officer.
1994 - 1996 Lloyds TSB Group plc, England - Product Manager
1996 - 1997 IBM, England - Management Consultant
1997 - 2000 BBC, England - Head of Marketing and Sales Department
2000 - 2007 Red Bee Media, England - Commercial Manager
2007 - 2009 MPS, Sweden - Managing Director
2009 - 2010 Siemens, England - Director of the Media Sector
2010 - 2011 Siemens, England - Director of Global Business Management for NW Europe
2011 - 2014 Atos, England - Senior Vice President - Private Sector
2014 - 2016 Atos, England - Senior Vice President - Systems Integration
2016 - 2022 Fujitsu Limited, Japan - Vice President - General Manager
Since 2022 Fujitsu Uvance, Japan - Vice President and Global Head of Consumer Experience

Dr. Anke Nestler
Member of the board
- Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting Deutschland GmbH, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
- Member since May 19, 2023
- Elected until: the Annual General Meeting in 2027
- Year of birth: 1969
- Memberships of other supervisory boards or comparable bodies: Member of the Supervisory Board of Medios AG, Berlin, Germany
Studied business administration, University of Passau, Germany.
1999 Doctoral dissertation (Dr. rer. Oec)
Expert for business valuation as well as for the valuation of intangible assets, IHK Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Certified Licensing Professional (CLP)
Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA)
Professional background:
1999 – 2000 mg technologies, Germany - Corporate Audit
2000 - 2001 PricewaterhouseCoopers, Germany - Corporate Finance
2002 - 2008 Oppenhoff & Rädler Corporate Finance Beratungsgesellschaft mbH, Germany - Managing Director
Since 2005 Lecturer of the State of Hesse at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Germany
2008 - 2023 VALNES Corporate Finance GmbH, Germany - Founder and Managing Director
2021 - 2023 Trans-o-flex Express GmbH & Co. KGaA, Germany - Member of the Supervisory Board and Audit Committee
Since 2023 FTI Consulting Deutschland GmbH, Germany - Senior Managing Partner