On 30 April 2021, Mr. Wilhelm K. T. Zours, Heidelberg has informed us that due to the disposal of shares with voting rights of GK Software SE the held share of voting rights has fallen below the threshold of 5 percent.

Date on which threshold was crossed or reached: 29 April 2021


Total positions

letzte Mitteilung
% of voting rights attached to shares (total of 7.a.)
4.77 %
6.22 %
% of voting rights through instruments (total of 7.b.1 + 7.b.2)
0.00 %
0.00 %
Total of both in % (7.a. + 7.b.)
4.77 %
6.22 %
Total number of voting rights pursuant to Sec. 41 WpHG


in %
direct 0
attributed 107,123
direct 0.00 %
attributed 4.77 %
4.77 %

Full chain of controlled undertakings starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity:


% of voting rights 
(if at least 3% or more)
% of voting rights through instruments
(if at least 5% or more)
Total of both
(if at least 5% or more)
Wilhelm K. T. Zours
0 %
0 %
0 %
DELPHI Unternehmensberatung Aktiengesellschaft
0 %
0 %
0 %
VV Beteiligungen Aktiengesellschaft
0 %
0 %
0 %
Deutsche Balaton Aktiengesellschaft
3.04 %
0 %
0 %
ABC Beteiligungen AG
0 %
0 %
0 %
Heidelberger Beteiligungsholding AG
0 %
0 %
0 %



