On 3 September 2021, Montagu Private Equity LLP, London, UK has informed us that by the discontinuation of the attribution of subsidiaries through the issuance of a declaration of independence the held share of voting rights has fallen below the threshold of 3 percent.

Date on which threshold was crossed or reached: 19 August 2021


Total positions

Previous notification
% of voting rights attached to shares (total of 7.a.)
0.00 %
3.06 %
% of voting rights through instruments (total of 7.b.1 + 7.b.2)
0.00 %
0.09 %
Total of both in % (7.a. + 7.b.)
2.98 %
3.15 %
Total number of voting rights pursuant to Sec. 41 WpHG


in %
direct 0
attributed 0
direct 0.00 %
attributed 0.00 %
0.00 %


Due to the submission of declarations of independence, no voting rights of the Universal Group have been attributable to the Montagu Group since 19 August 2021. The holdings of the Universal Group have not changed in a threshold-relevant manner before submitting the declarations of independence. The reportable holdings of Universal-Investment GmbH as of 19.08.2021 are 4.53%/0.5%/5.03%.
